Private Soundbaths

A higher level of care for individuals and couples.

Why Private Soundbaths?

Between 60%-90% of physicians' visits reflect emotional distress and somatization; soundbaths can help to combat this by promoting two major benefits: stress relief and emotional processing. My soundbaths are designed to be a space for rest and rejuvenation. Here, I hold space for you to move through emotional blockages and reconnect with the peace that is always within you. These soundbath sessions utilize the sonic vibrations of singing bowls, tuning forks, and other live instruments known for their deeply relaxing and balancing qualities.

Compared to a public soundbath, a private soundbath is a more focused experience involving a special level of personal care. The entire session is designed around your intentions and preferences. Whether you seek stress relief, clarity, connection to a loved one, and/or emotional processing, the session and instruments used can be customized to resonate with your unique needs and energy. We'll be together in a smaller room meaning a more immersive sound experience, without the distraction of other participants. The bowls may also be placed on your body so the vibrations are felt more intensely than during a group session.


About the Experience

Soundbath benefits might include:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Reduction of stress

  • Increased emotional stability

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Relief of tension

  • Improved memory

  • Unblocked creativity

  • Accelerated muscle recovery

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Improved cellular wall function

  • DNA repair

  • Access to higher states of consciousness

  • Heightened intuition

  • Increased sense of inner peace


The individual soundbaths take place in the practitioner room at Alternative Thinking, 758 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R6.

What to Expect

Upon arrival at your appointment, you'll be offered a complimentary Dream Suite homemade tea consisting of blue lotus, chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, butterfly pea flower and honey. As we begin the session, you'll lie on a treatment table (or on yoga mats for couples sessions) while being immersed in Solfeggio frequencies. I will then guide you through somatic exercises to help you enter a state of relaxation, making you more receptive to the beneficial effects of sound. After that, there is nothing left to do but to simple be, while I play instruments around your body (and, with your consent, on your body), "bathing" you in sonic vibrations. I am the guide, you are your healer. When you are relieved of the stress and responsibilities of your day-to-day life, even for a short while, your body's natural healing abilities have the space to be activated.

Experience it for yourself.


"I feel like I released some tension especially in my lungs and that's when the tears came. When you placed the bowl in my hand I felt a surge of energy up my arm and down to my back. My back released some next energy too. So good, thank you Jungle :)"

"I saw some orange colours when I closed my eyes at some point, also I think I passed out for a bit as usual lol. The vibrations on the bed were next level. It was like I was being carried by sound."

"Thank you SO much for today. I feel a lot calmer and clear headed. To be honest I was anxious before I cam because of work stuff that came up last minute and you made me feel a LOT better."

"That was so amazing. Thank you again. I felt great after and it continued for the next day!"

"After I left I felt so down-regulated, I can't even explain it to you. I felt like the anxiety lifted off a lot. It's been a really, really hard month and it spiralled me for a whole month and I feel like you literally gave me something that I can now move forward in my next months that I felt like I really needed. You attuned my whole body and my whole frequency and I'm so grateful. It was the perfect finale of this month to the perfect start of the new moon. That's exactly what I needed to refocus and remember. Thank you so much. I don't think thank you is enough. I feel mentally really really good. I was not in a good place " this month, i was just kind of surviving, and I don't feel like I'm in survival mode now."

My Approach

I began my wellness journey after escaping a psychologically abusive relationship. My experiences motivated me to develop Reclaim Your Voice, a grassroots organization that hosts events where people who have lived through abuse and sexual violence can gently work through their trauma.

Since 2012 I have been listening to stories of interpersonal violence, and have been motivated to learn approaches to help regulate the nervous system. Whether or not you identify as being a trauma survivor, I take a trauma-informed approach to my soundbaths, which includes using invitational language and asking for consent before placing the bowls, or my hands, on your body. Trauma goes hand in hand with feelings of powerlessness; at our soundbath sessions, you can say yes to what feels good and no to what doesn't. Your voice and your comfort are valued here.

I consider it an honour to be able to support people who have experienced various forms of abuse and sexual violence, and hold sacred the trust bestowed on me to hold space in this way.

"The bowls that were around my feet, on my stomach and chest had me seeing colours. It was especially neat when the red and purple went away and I saw the white. I’ve never experienced that before. I felt like I got my breath back! It was super duper cool, I felt WAY better afterwards, and I wanna do it again. You always put your heart into everything you do."

"I felt extremely comfortable and appreciated all the questions and 'heads up' at the top of the session. I found the drums made me feel very powerful, and the big bowl by my feet made me feel grounded. The drum and crown chakra bowl were my favourite. I imagined the vibrations from the bowls shaking things out of my body/aura/energy field and thought my cells felt happy. Overall I was very relaxed. Thank you so much for your trauma-informed and survivor aware approach. Also your very nurturing energy is so comforting throughout the experience."

"I felt very relaxed and comfortable. As soon as I heard the drum being played it shifted something in my body. It’s hard to explain but everything felt much more deeper and intense. My mind and body were more calm and relaxed. It’s almost as if time slowed down and I was able to focus again."


"Coming in I was feeling tense and anxious from my thoughts of the week and just my brain constantly on the go. Trying hard to calm down and take in the session. I tried to relax before coming but could still feel tense muscles in my shoulders and effects of a clenched jaw here and there. It was needed! As you eased into the sound bath, I was engulfed in the experience with the bowls on me, feeling immersed in the sound and the vibration of the bowls helped drain out all the noise and bring a sense of calm and rest. I found myself even lost in the moment a few times, drifting close to sleep but not quite there - just completely relaxed. My mind was quiet, still, forgot about the pains and tension. For the first time in a long time, I didn't feel the need to clench my jaw, my thoughts were clearer and I felt more centered. Can't explain how beneficial this is in helping tune out noise and feeling like I'm more grounded. Highly recommend for anyone dealing with stress and anxiety. The feeling in incomparable to any other therapeutic treatment and I love the feeling after. Looking forward to seeing you again 💖"

"I felt safe and at peace, the instruments helped clear my mind, the support around my intentions was a huge benefit, I felt extremely comfortable and guided into a new perspective. It felt like I got a new map to my body, giving safe meaning to each part that once used to cause me soreness. I had to cry a bit after but in a releasing way and then I found myself writing music and singing a lot. It was almost like my body and mind were shedding layers, shedding grief. What’s extraordinary is I’m currently on antidepressants and don’t get the opportunity to cry away the grime often but this supported me to do so. This was really such a peaceful experience, I woke up feeling strong and without my regular soreness, I slept better which was also amazing and really needed. My voice was also able to resonate louder as I sing which is pretty awesome."


45 minute Individual Tuning Fork Meditation - $50 + HST

(tuning forks only)

60 minute Individual Soundbath - $100+HST

(may include tuning forks, singing bowls, rainstick, drumming, harmony balls, shakers, rainstick, gong bath)

90 minute Individual Soundbath - $150+HST

(may include tuning forks, singing bowls, rainstick, drumming, harmony balls, shakers, rainstick, gong bath)

60 minute Two Person Soundbath - $180+HST

(may include tuning forks, singing bowls, rainstick, drumming, harmony balls, shakers, rainstick, gong bath, for two people)

120 minute Alliance Session for Two - $300+HST

Sacred Cacao, intimate conversation or somatic alliance practice, and soundbath

"Over all it was a relaxing, calming and very comfortable experience. I was very relaxed but very in tuned to everything around me. I am looking forward to making this a regular part of my health journey. I love the entire session and the way Jungle Flower facilitates the journey from beginning to end is comforting and truly beautiful."

"The singing bowls placed on me was such a unique experience that I loved so much. It was different from the group sessions I've been to in the past (which I also love BTW!). That one-on-one time connecting with myself with Jungle as my guide was extraordinary. The singing bowls felt like the sun, not hot, but the light radiating in me going in a continuous circle; the humming of the bowl bringing my system into new life....just breath taking! I felt like I was in a cocoon, I run cold so she put a weighted blanket on me and so I just felt like I was in another universe through my whole session, highly recommended! My chest pain lightened a little immediately after my session and then almost completely disappeared within a few hours. My emotional state, I was so calm. I didn't even want to talk (and im a talker!) or drive afterwards; I wanted to continue the feeling of calm."

"Prior to our session I struggle to calm down from being so active and my brain is ON all the time. As soon as I arrive, the body scan allows me to be mindful of all of the anxiety and feelings I have before we even begin. As soon as Jungle Flower uses the tuning forks, my mind and overall feeling starts to relax. The warmth of the bed, the blanket and the room put me completely at ease. I love having the bowls close to me - being engulfed in the sound is what brings me ultimate relaxation. My mind is immersed in the experience and I'm in a state of conscious relaxation. As soon as we're done, my body feels relaxed and my mind is clear. I take a few moments to myself with my thoughts and intentions.... I leave feeling lighter and renewed - thank you Jungle Flower."

Tuning Fork Meditations

The sounds of tuning forks have the power to bring our nervous system, muscle tone, and organs into harmonic balance by altering our body's biochemistry. My Tuning Fork Meditations promote restful sleep, grounding, creativity, motivation and more. During these 25 minute sessions, the tuning forks are placed by the ears.

Gong Bath

The gong is said to cover the full spectrum of sound. Because of this, it has the potential to vibrate all cells, bones, and organs, bringing about the transition of cellular realignment through the medium of sound. The pure sound waves emitted by the gong can enable you to break free of old patterns and regenerate and rebalance yourself as its resonance penetrates widely. This resonance bypasses the mind and goes straight to the root of the problem. The gong is considered to be the first sound in the universe, the sound that created the universe, the basic creative sound. A gong bath is available during 90 minute sessions.

Somatic Alliance

A somatic opening practice that helps you connect with feelings of deep, embodied support. Start your session with Somatic Alliance and follow it up with a soundbath to support your journey of well-being. Learn more here.

Have questions? Reach out!